Sunday 9 December 2012

Louis Tomlinson Facts

Okay so I have compiled a list of facts.
Louis middle name is William.
Favourite TV show: Misfits and One Tree Hill.
Frankie Sandford from The Saturdays is his dream girl (oh how I wish it was me).
Loves mac&cheese.
If he wasn’t part of One Direction, he would have loved to be a drama teacher.
Has no cousins! (That’s okay, I have plenty – we could share).
Met Eleanor Calder through Harry Styles’ friend.
Loves girls with strong accents.
His Old car is named Cheryl.
Wants a son.
Pretended to be Edward Cullen after watching New Moon.
Fave word: boobs.
Thinks he has a girl bum.
Was dumped once for not being attractive enough (that girl must feel pretty stupid now).
With his first pay check, he adopted a chimpanzee named Larry.
Harry and Louis has slept naked together before (don’t ask why. Seriously, I don’t know).
Louis and Liam made Harry cry twice: wedgie & straightened Harry’s hair while he was asleep.
Loves when girls blush.
Size 10 shoes.
Louis and Harry have matching pink and blue blankets.
Fave band: the Fray (awesooome! I listen to them tooo!).
Calls his mom most nights.
Speaks French.
Really good at playing the piano.
Has a foot fetish.
Louis told his sister not to be in love with Harry because she is too good for him.
Went to the hospital with his mom to look after babies.
Loves shopping – although he won’t admit it.
When he’s bored he prank calls Niall.
Kissing > hugging.
Other boys are not allowed to wear stripes (it’s a Louis-only thing).
“call me old fashioned but I would actually like to get to know a girl before dating her”.
Louis would also love to date a fan (aaah! There’s hope!)

Monday 3 December 2012

The Lovely One Direction


civil twlight

only a few days left :D

KONGOS... again

Just a little something that I just received. They really adore their fans


Love them or hate them – we are all familiar with their works. Haha that sounds a bit dramatic but I am speaking about the one and only ONE DIRECTION! Yes, everyone thought they were just a phase and the world would eventually forget about them. I thought they were one hit wonders, however they have proved me wrong. As a teenage girl, one direction appealed to me because they are (way) above average looking. I only knew their famous billboard tracks, those poppy dance tracks. My views were soon changed when they released “Little Things”. This song proved to me that they were deeper than the mediocre dance-dance repetitive lyrics. I was at a friend’s place one day and she could be described as the over emotional fan that records and saves or tweets about one direction’s every move. I watched a few interviews of One Direction and soon I became the over emotional “directioner”. One forgets that all these celebs, no matter their age, are still human. Yes, their lives are more extravagant than the average person but we all have exactly the same emotions and people tend to forget that. I started watching (pre-recorded) concerts of theirs. The music that one direction composes has depth and some people do not see it – I never did until now. For the past week, One Direction has been on repeat and I have read online articles about these boys as well. My views on them have completely changed. I finally understand why a few of my friends are obsessed with some of the band members. Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn have incredible talent. If you are not already a directioner, I urge you to do some research or listen to Little Things, Sumer Love, Change My Mind, I Wish OR I Would. I can’t guarantee that you’ll become a directioner but you would definitely appreciate them more. Happy Listening. Love, A former directioner, reborn.